Sunday 20 March 2011

Blackout Shades Help You Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Do you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep through the night? The importance of a good night’s sleep is well known. According to the National Sleep Foundation, adequate sleep has been associated with a better mood, better health and better job performance. It’s important to address factors that might interfere with a good night’s sleep. Light is one of these factors. The body responds to light as a cue to stay awake, so sleeping in a dark, quiet room can help you fall asleep, stay asleep and wake up refreshed.

A full night’s sleep is especially important for children. Studies suggest that most children need about nine hours of sleep each night, and that children who get enough sleep behave better and perform better in school than those who are chronically sleep-deprived. Additional research has shown that children who have sleep problems are at greater risk for depression and anxiety later in life, and they are more likely to abuse drugs and alcohol as teens and adults.

The Cellular SlumberShade, the official window shade product of the National Sleep Foundation, can help improve sleep by keeping excess light out of a room. The SlumberShade features unique sidetracks that attach magnetically to a window frame for easy installation. When it’s time to clean the windows, the sidetracks are easy to remove. These sidetracks block the gaps of light that standard cellular shades let in. They are UV stable, available in several colors to match your window trim. In addition, all SlumberShades have a specialized seal along the top for complete blockage of exterior light.

The shades are made of Comfortex’s blackout cellular fabric, which not only blocks incoming light, but also provides insulation around your windows to help reduce heating and cooling costs. When SlumberShades are installed over a double-paned vinyl window, they provide an R-value of 7.0, which is 2 to 3 times greater than that of a similar shade without sidetracks.

SlumberShades need not be limited to the bedroom. Install them in a media room to eliminate screen glare.

For more information about SlumberShades, visit

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